What is the education philosophy at RISE Prep Academies?
RISE Prep Academies educate all K-12 scholars for success in college and a life of community engagement through a structured learning environment, rigorous college-preparatory curriculum, and character education.
We believe that all scholars can achieve at high levels; in providing a rigorous college and career preparatory education to all scholars with a focus on deeper learning and academic success; and that character development can and must be taught in order to prepare all scholars for success in high school, college, and life.
Does RISE Prep offer transportation to students?
RISE Prep provides morning and afternoon school bus transportation to and from Woonsocket, North Smithfield, and Burrillville free of charge at both the K-8 and High School. The school creates bus routes during the month of August each year using all addresses of enrolled scholars to determine its bus depot stops. To be eligible to ride the bus, students must live over one mile from the school they attend: Lower Academy (30 Cumberland Street, Woonsocket) Upper Academy (600 Social Street, Woonsocket). Bus schedules are released to families in early August prior to the start of the school year.
Does RISE Prep offer extracurricular activities?
RISE Prep’s Lower Academy offers Middle School Athletics (currently Cross Country, Soccer, Basketball, and Track) as well as after school clubs that are determined by scholar interest each year. RISE Prep’s Upper Academy is a member of the interscholastic athletic league in Rhode Island and scholars at the high school are able to participate in any sport in the district they reside until RISE Prep establishes its own teams once the school is fully grown. The High School will also have after school clubs and work experience opportunities.
What is the teacher-to-child ratio?
The teacher-to-child ratio for grades K-8 is 16:1
Does RISE Prep have a food service program?
RISE Prep takes part in the National School Lunch Program and works with Chartwells Food Services to offer free or reduced-price lunches to qualifying students. Families who want these benefits need to fill out an application provided by Chartwells at the start of each school year. This is required by the Federal Government. Chartwells also offers lunch for purchase to families who don’t qualify for the free or reduced-price options. For more information on our breakfast, snack and lunch policies, please visit our RISE Prep Academies Scholar Family Handbook.
What is the school’s discipline policy?
We believe that a strong and consistent discipline policy is essential for creating a safe and structured school environment for all our scholars. Every behavior has a consequence, which is outlined in our scholar code of conduct. Our discipline systems are designed to treat all scholars fairly and help them learn what is right and wrong. We also follow the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s guidelines on discipline for all students, ensuring we meet state requirements.
For more information on our discipline policies please view our Scholar and Family Handbook 2024-2025.
Lower Academy Scholar and Family Handbook
Upper Academy Scholar and Family Handbook

RISE Prep Academies is grounded in the values of Respect, Integrity, Self-Determination, and Excellence. These principles shape our learning environment, encouraging scholars to respect others, act with integrity, take charge of their growth, and pursue excellence in all they do, preparing them for meaningful futures.